Does anyone remember when that bad man Donald Trump defunded the WHO? I do. At the time I thought it was a wise decision, I still do. Thank you President Trump💕💕

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It is beginning to look hopeful. It has been a long slog and I have to commend James Roguski for his unwavering energy in pursuing this and trying to hold the WHO and governments to account.

I have come to the conclusion that even if States retain their sovereignty regarding health matters (which was at first the main concern), in the current world where supranational organisations appear to have a huge sway over national governments, the freedom and sovereignty of the individual will be the main casualty in all of this.

And although the WHO could be an organisation for good, especially sharing knowledge across a global platform, in its current state (undemocratic and current funding model) it is not fit for purpose.

For people in the UK, please sign the petition (we are almost there, just over 97,000 when I write this post.


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hi folks all is not lost be aware theres a petition on the uk parliament petition page also out there on gestapo book......end the uks membership of the world health organisation.....it currently ha 97,619 signatures it needs a minimum of 100000 signatures to get it debated in parliament...do consider signing it and resharing it widely all over the uk with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same all social media platforms and alternative outlets can be used to do it....however steer well clear of gestapo book as they have been and continue to blatantly shadow ban and suppress it...however there are plenty of alternative social media platforms and alternative outlets that can be used...i urge each one of you to keep a very close eye on the signature count as it approaches the target figure of 100000 signatures.......AND THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT the moment it hits 100000 signatures you MUST screenshoot it as i have a strong suspicion they may well try to pull it even at this late hour i wouldnt put it past this government to do just that however if you and all others will screenshoot it the very moment it hits 100000 signatures that should close that loophole/possible escape route....but you must keep that to yourself so as to not let the cat out of the bag and alert them..for those who dont know what screenshoot means in a nutshell its obtaining proof....in closing for much more information on the who also the pandemic treaty be sure to check out both the james roguski substack and the steve kirsch substack

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Which British politicians can I thank for seeing through this power grab?

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This gives me hope. Great headline.

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I couldn't agree more, time to unhitch from them.

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At last some folks inside the establishment are taking this seriously. I wish I could see the same happening in the U.K. but my fear is that politics here is even more broken/corrupt. The insidious reach of the CCP seems almost total within U.K. institutions, I guess it’s up to us citizens to do what we can to bring the corrupt brought U.K. politicians and ministries to heal.

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They're all gearing up for an election. Cometh the time cometh the Ivermectin.

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Like the UselessNon-entity the WeHelpOurselves needs defunding and disbanding. They are both morphed into sounding boards for 3rd world dictators and terrorists.

The 'Director General' - 'Turdos Adhominem Hebejayzus'

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