Excellent post. Thanks Molly.

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Thank you Helen

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There is no evidence that viruses exist or that germs cause disease; we should not accept that they do without proof; ever seen a unicorn?

No viruses, no vaccine needed, no WHO pandemic treaty required, no role for Big Pharma to provide toxic solutions to problems that they create.

Exit the WHO.

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How many people STILL refuse to acknowledge that there has been considerable harm & adverse effects resulting from these vaccines & they STILL REFUSE TO allow investigations, opinions & discussions on this Extremely Dangerous & Life Changing event!!! AND they’re even talking of rolling out MORE VACCINES for another bogus virus event!!! Do they REALLY BELIEVE WHAT THEY SAY???? I don’t think so, but they think the public are too stupid not to believe them.

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noton thetv

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Molly's excellent substack article beautifully articulates my own thoughts on this subject. Allison Pearson in the Daily Telegraph, wrote an article on the contaminated blood scandal two weeks ago, where she asked what other scandals were waiting to be exposed that we don't know about. Despite her excellent coverage of the covid debacle over the last four years she failed to mention in her article the obvious parallels which really surprised me.

Someone, somewhere needs to blow this whole scamdemic apart so it blows up in the face of all the gutless, spineless government policy wonks, public health starzis, corporate pharma grifters and their ilk, so they account for their crimes and face real justice. Time and time again the public trust is betrayed, and yet for some reason the people fail to understand how badly they are treated by officialdom. This spell has to be broken.

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thanks so much James

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BREAKING: The Telegraph - Covid vaccines may have helped fuel rise in excess deaths as Experts call for more research into side effects and possible links to mortality rates in preparation for Nuremberg 2.0 https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/04/covid-vaccines-may-have-helped-fuel-rise-in-excess-deaths/

2M views this afternoon on Twitter under the search "Nuremberg 2.0" https://x.com/draseemmalhotra/status/1797922073798717524

BREAKING: Electroporation of mRNA by Injection can now cause Remote Paralysis or Death and Drug Delivery, Remotely Using An Electric Field of Energy, Frequency & Vibration! Ted Kazynski's The Perfect Bomb, Unabomber aka "Telomere Terminator", Bio-Specific Weapons & Darth Vader's Choke! https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/electroporation-of-mrna-by-injection-can-cause-remote-paralysis

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blood transfusionsnow?bad dna notforme

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