it was NEVER EVER Going to be an HONEST Enquiry was it?

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Not with those terms of reference, and that legalistic process, and the heavy hand of the 'Establishment' leaning on it, no.

You have that kind of Formal Inquiry when a passenger boat sinks in the Thames and loads of rich people drown, in order to send some hapless minion to jail, but not when some ghastly plebian geriatrics in their 80's and 90's die of a mild flu, mass panic, and systematic abuse caused by government actions and inactions.

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Molly Kingsley embodies what it means to be courageous. Her tireless efforts to expose corruption and lies and to protect our children deserve the highest praise. She is truly a heroine.

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Yes to all that. Join the dots to everything else in this spiritual war we've been fighting for many generations. Inquiries are controlled by the forces responsible for the carnage. It's eugenics and depopulation. 'The Children's Inquiry' (Kingsley & Cole) will become one of the most important books ever written about the horrific destruction of our children and their futures. I'm grateful beyond words for your courage and brilliance. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Childrens-Inquiry-society-Covid-19-pandemic/dp/1780667809

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Yes. Absolutely.

The Government/s of the UK systematically distorted the information, claimed that they were the only source of sound information, and did their best to suppress any information that didn't fit their own information.

Normally we call this a dictatorship.

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Don’t forget that Labour, the Lib Dems & ALL MSM were complicit in this too.

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We've been here before of course - Communists and Pacifists being imprisoned for their beliefs in WW1. https://www.heraldscotland.com/politics/24902796.unrepentant-scots-communist-charged-inciting-mutiny/

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Bravo. On the button.

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