Really unsurprising that ethics was never truly considered during this time. All that matters, both then and now, is control over the population by a technocratic bureaucracy who will not only tell us how to live but force us to do as we're told. That desire for total control of people is being played out every day in countries around the world. The apathy of those who are targeted is amazing.

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I, too, am unsurprised, given all we've experienced the past years. The powers that be don't care about ethics at all. I don't expect they ever really have, despite what we were led to believe.

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"We believe this may be one of the most damning untold stories of the pandemic".

Totally agree.

I haven't had time to watch UK Column in the last couple of weeks so forgive me if they've profiled this work, but if not, suspect they'd be pleased to.

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Unforgivable. Reprehensible. They deserve the full penalty of crimes committed against the people

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You could tell that the policy messages were all derived from marketing types, without any clinical/ethical input.

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It was clear that there was a vacuum in relation to moral and ethical issues re Govt's 'pandemic' policy response. Had such been considered it is highly unlikely that mandates/restrictions and the possibility of jab passports would have gone ahead. Massive Govt. failure. Massive MSM failure to question. It is now clear that morals and ethics will have no consideration now or in the future.

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Probably not a failure, but a success from the government and media's point of view.

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It isnt a coincidence that these regulatory groups were excluded from the conversation throughout the world. We need to understand the influence of the impact investment sector on education and find ways to bypass them.

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The Covid Enquiry is the Covid & DEADLY VAX Whitewash! Part of Big Pharma's VBAX sales justification.

The reality is increasingly proving that the 'Experiments' (they pretend are 'vaccines') are useless and highly dangerous.

My realisation, after suspecting the incredible marketing of the Covid 19 virus, was that I suspected something suspicious was afoot.

Then came the 'miraculous' announcement of the 'Experimental jab' which seemed to be invented within a few months from the release of the VIRUS. I say 'Release' because, since 29019, I have become cynical and have come to the conclusion that Big Pharma actually create diseases, in laboratories, for the profits they can enjoy.

Then I learned that many people were suffering 'side effects' and soon discovered the MSM were, and still are, hiding these disturbing facts.

Then I found that some of these POST-VAX 'complications' were long-term, causing those who accepted the jab, more likely to catch Covid and other more serious illnesses.

Then I read that some very serious health complications were being covered up by Big Pharma, and that DEATHS were being caused by these useless but deadly injections.

Then I discovered that Big Pharma accept NO LIABILITY for any Post Vax complications or DEATHS.. Initially, they pretended any Vax complications were "EXTREMELY RARE". Reality is proving these events are EXTREMELY COMMON.

It comes to light these deadly injections are Gene Editing formulas, which can integrate humans into other technologies that mighty be used to discipline any of us who dare to question the obvious.

My conclusion is that COVID was deliberately engineered in various laboratories using Bio-weapon technology to enhance Viruses for maximum impact upon humans, in order to create a market for expensive (but ineffective) injections they pretend are 'VACCINES'.

This series of discoveries made me believe that the world is under attack from ALL those who have financial influence. The main group are members of the World Economic Forum, which is behind the New World Order or Great Reset. Their sinister motives imply they are addressing Global Warming, but in reality, it is about depopulating the planet and taking total control of humanity, so that, those that survived the injections (The Cull) will be used as SLAVES by the elites.

Never again will I trust the medical profession, the media, and Governments, because they are all part of the planned destruction of our Freedom.

You've all been surreptitiously genetically Modified and can expect, at best, a Shorter Life Expectancy!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer.

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