“… urgent case for reform of the WHO”. I stopped reading after that… Lawyers who don’t recognise a RICO criminal enterprise. The WHO need to be arrested and tried for genocide!



This article is a RESOURCE CENTER to inform, connect and empower the many people around the world that are working to expose the truth about the World Health Organization.


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USFORTHEM have come a long way.... Molly Kingsley & Co are Troopers. Right from the early days of the Uncertainties of Covid Tyranny in Schools ( when they really had to be careful about their opinions on their page on Sodding Crooked FaceBook ) To now being a Fully fledged Open Defenders of truth & particularly our Children's Rights & Health. Well done . Awake by the minute.......

FLUSH The W.H.O Criminal Organisation

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I have come to the conclusion that signing up to a supranational organisation is not a good idea, full stop.

No matter what the agreement says, it gives clueless politicians an easy way out if tough decisions need to be taken. It will be easier just to follow the herd.

The concept of One Health has been hijacked. Looking at issues from all angles is inherently a good idea. The lack of the helicopter view during Covid shows that. But it does not work if one of the angles is used to tyrannise the other pillars of One Health.

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Thank you for trying to decipher the IHR Amendments and the Pandemic Instrument, both working together for creating a control instrument over every nation. I note that what has been weakened in the IHR Amendments has been strengthened in the Pandemic Instrument/accord/treaty/edict. More distrust to come now from that sneaky move. Australia needs to stand up for itself as Britain is. But it appears we are under some puppetmasters, no matter whether we have the right or the left in power! How easily our democracies were trashed by emergency powers, created at least here in, Oz, years ago, just for the day when a pandemic arrived.

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theres a petition at citizengo.org..block the uns last minute pandemic treaty push..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely from any country in the world including yours..be sure to sign it and reshare it widely worldwide with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same..all platforms and alternative outlets can be used that said dont bother with GESTAPO BOOK who you can be sure will suppress it..it currently has over 200000 signatures

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We, the people, have now rejected the existence of the Gates' CORRUPTED World Health Organisation since Gates invested in making them his servants - to fulfill his greed for DEADLY EXPERIMENTAL VAX profits and his insane delusions of a less crowded planet.

the UNELECTED World Health Organisation now CEASES TO EXIST as an influence upon human health.

We the people have spoken!

No wonder the medical needs to keep the ridiculous ZERO LIABILITY in place?

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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